As most of you may know, Tiger Woods has been in hiding for the past month or so. Some may say he's hiding because of a mangled face, missing teeth and pure embarrassment because he banged 12 broads that weren't his wife. I myself on the other hand think a case of uncontrollable swamp has developed.
I came across a 2007 PGA Championship article which included the picture featured above. As we all know, Woods went on to win the PGA Championship that year, but few know of the battle he fought; "Swamp Ass." I don't know if it was the texture of the pants, but man did he look worse than John Daly. Sure Daly keeps his cool by packing a fat d and slammin' diet cokes during his rounds, but damn Tiger....you must be doing something wrong.
According to multiple sources, as the day brightened and humidity increased, "Swamp Ass" crept around and on to the front of Tiger's pants. It's safe to say that this wasn't really "Swamp Ass," but was instead his evil cousin "Swamp Cock" who was playing for keeps.
Here's a tip for you Tiger, we know that you change your gloves every few holes, but please bring a few extra pairs of pants next time (if ever you come out of hiding) to save the embarrassent. Your a great golfer and have won many events, but going 0-1 against the "Swamp Family" is something you don't want to do. My apologies to those who saw this live in HD.
Any other cases of Swamp should be sent to kfclatenight@gmail.com
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